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Dalby Technology

Conveyor Lines



Power and Free is a name applied to overhead chain systems with the ability to provide zoned buffer storage for loads – impossible on conventional overhead chain conveyors without stopping the complete system.

Buffer storage comprise of sections of track able to accumulate loads to either sort to differing processes or to allow linear movement of items at varying rates as various manufacturing cells can operate at different rates, or even different shift times.

Power & Free systems are capable of transporting the lightest components up to a staggering 8 tonne. The conveyors consist of our Trakmaster Powered Systems for the drive medium, with a variety of trolley tracks suspended beneath depending on the size of load to be carried and the weight. The connection is via specially designed pusher dogs attached to the chain at the required pitch, which engage with a towing dog on the front trolley of the load bar. These towing dogs can have either a fixed or an overriding type towing latch system dependant upon whether the loadbars are required to accumulate at specified stop positions or not.

The switches and merges available offer an astonishing variety of ingenious storage configurations to be provided, and often utilising a single drive system for optimum running costs. Power & Free offers power and freedom for zoned processes and can provide clear floor areas for your production.

You may not have considered Power & Free in your factory or warehouse  but the advantages of freedom is worth consulting Dalby Engineering.

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please call us on...
+44 (0)116 291 6000

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