High Quality Spraybooth filters Cut to size for all makes of Spraybooth and Spraybooth ovens.
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Case Studies

GS Plus Ltd/London Borough of Greenwich


This new work shop facility, refurbished to meet the needs of a new joint initiative between GS Plus and The London Borough of Greenwich, consists of two Commercial Vehicle spray Booths.

Working closely with the GS Plus from Design to completion, Dalby have successfully designed, manufactured and installed a commercial vehicle Spray booth Oven.  With a total air capacity of 33,000m3/Hr and tunnel type air movement, with extraction through a rear fabricated extract chest, the CV booth has been extended to 15m x 5.5m x 5.0m to allow for refinishing of refuse vehicles, coaches and other large commercial vehicles.
To help meet the variety of vehicles covered in this contract, a second booth, extended to 10.4m in length has been installed.  The Genesis CV “X” series spray booth oven was specified to allow for the refinishing of mini buses, vans and cars.

With the high volume of vehicles and the client’s needs of a fast turnaround time, reliability and efficiency were key requirements of our client.  To meet this need, air handling plants were installed at the rear of the booth, allowing easy access for routine service and maintenance, ensuring the efficient and reliable running of the booths.

With running costs and efficiency being requirements of our client, both booths were installed with a slimline control system, incorporating a new “EcoSave” energy system with standby mode.  This can significantly reduce the operational running costs for spray booth ovens by identifying the periods during which the booth is running but spraying operations are not taking place. These periods include the loading & unloading vehicles, masking and other final preparation operations. 
Potential fuel savings of up to 90% are achieved by using this unique technology which automatically switches the booth between Spray Mode and an Energy Saving recirculation mode when spraying operations are not taking place. The Dalby control system continually  monitors  operations inside the booth and automatically switches the plant back into a Spray Mode once spraying operations have commenced.
Working in partnership, with a consultative approach, allowed us to recognise the key needs of the client.  With reliability, efficiency, speed and quality of finish being identified, Dalby’s solution lead approach, allowed us to provide a quality installation meeting the needs of both GS Plus and London Borough of Greenwich. 

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